
Saturday, 9 June 2012


During this first term of the year a group of students of 5° C and Sebastián Gonzalez de 5° A have been working with a project called ePals. This is a social learning network  that allows students all over the world to communicate and share experiencies easily.

They have been exchanging emails with students in the United States of America who attend High School in Yorktown, Virginia.

We have already finished our work but friendship still lasts among some of the participants in this project. 

Some of our students have recently received home-made videos from their epals who learn Spanish as a foreign language at school. And here we have two photos of them working at their school:

I would like to thank to my students for their really committed work. They are:

Daniela Corvino, Denisse Polla, Sebastián Gonzalez, Julián Magne, Santiago Reinoso, Lucas Failla, Sebastián Burgos, Agustina Sanchez, Valeria Fernández, Gonzalo Cavalli, Florencia Aguirre, Lucas Abbondándolo, 
and Lucas Veltri.

To all of them my congratulations, and I commend each of you for your dedication and hard work. Maybe sometimes things did not work as we expected but I am really proud of you and I appreciate your performance in the school project. 

Good luck with these new relationships, my babies!! 

Ms. Liliana Lo Preiato

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