
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Chandelier by Sia

             Mirage Regular

Chandelier is a song laced with haunting melody and tribal escalations that give the song a solemn feel. What's more, its lyrics reflect the thoughts going on inside the singer who was suffering an alcoholism problem. She tries to tell herself that she shouldn't continue drinking anymore, but peer pressure and need for love always brings her back, convincing her that she can handle anything, that she should live life while the moment is there. In other words, she can't give up her addiction. 

Let's us watch the video!

And now... let's work with the lyrics! Click HERE

Mirage Regular

Why does she say...

  1. party girls don't get hurt...?
  2. ...when will I learn?
  3. I'm the one 'for a good time call'
  4. I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist?
  5. I'm gonna swing the chandelier?
  6. comes the shame?
  7. help me I'm holding on for dear life...?

 Express your final opinion about the song

Mirage Regular

Continue working with the lyrics with Lyrics Training! Click HERE

                                Mirage Regular

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